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Lauren Cooper
出生地United Kingdom
18 years
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Thakshana Vadivel Thank You June 27, 2014
Ufortunately, I did not get the previlage to get to know Lauren as a person, but I am reading wonderful things about her. Her death was a tragedy and I share my condolences for her loving family and friends. My name is Thakshana Vadivel and I am a 18 year old recent graduate from Milton District High School. I have received a wonderful award called the "Lauren Beth Cooper Award." I would like to thank each and everyone of Lauren's family for contributing to students who are unable to pay for their education after high School. Thank you so very much for your generous contribution, and I ensure you that this award is going to help me with my wonderful pathway in the near future. 
Jess Drewes

Dearest Lauren,


One day I met an old friend and I just about dropped to my knees to catch my breath from what I learned to the cute little spunky shy girl whom I got to know while working at the horse barn in Minnesota. I will never forget her smile and red flowing hair. When she and her sister laughed they light up the day from what otherwise would have been just another day.


You and your family changed my life, gave me hope, gave me security that not all people in the world were so complicated. 


You helped gang up on Russ which was fun too. He deserved it and still does :) I didnt get a whole lot of time to know you but I really didnt need to becuase I could always tell how special of a person you were just by seeing how much your family loved you.


Looking at the photos and reading the have been a busy girl. What a blessing you are to all these people who have the opportunity to know you. 


Take care and god bless.  

As we close our eyes and wonder, we think about where our lives will take us. we think about what we will become, who we will meet, and how our experiences and trials affect our day to day accomplishments. The actions of the accused are inexcusable, yet we must push on and remember the past for its positives rather than dwell on the negatives that have halted the would have beens. Lauren was a huge part of all our lives. a great friend, a wonderful presence, and a life that we shall never forget. not a day goes by thateachand every one of us ponders our own existence, and that which would have come of such an immense potential with that of Lauren. she was  light among us, a soul stolen far too early, but one who enriches our lives and helps us to remember how lucky we are to be where we are. So on this note, we drink to our health, to our lives, but most of all to our family and our friends, beause they ar an integral part of our lives which simply cannot e replaced. With every facet of emotion, we remember Lauren on this day, for she was more than just a friend, and she will always be more than a memory.
Milton District High School

Lauren Beth Cooper Memorial Fund

Lauren was a pupil at Milton District High School where she was studying for her graduation.  Not long after her untimely death a memorial fund was set up at the school in her name.

The "Lauren Beth Cooper Memorial Fund" is an annual award for two students whose families cannot afford College or University tuition fees.  The students must have demonstrated their commitment to furthering their education by attempting to self fund their college cost by working throughout their 11th and 12th grade years.  The deserving students will be selected by the Principal.

October 2007 was the commencement of this award and on the evening that Lauren should have graduated the first two students received their awards.
The Principal's address follows:
"All of our awards are special in their own way, but awards, scholarships and bursaries that commemorate former students as memorials are especially significant.  Lauren Cooper would have graduated with the students here tonight.  She lost her life in a tragic accident the summer before last and her family have instituted the "Lauren Cooper Memorial Award" in her memory.  Anyone who knew Lauren was immediately overwhelmed with her infectious smile and love of life.  I had the privilege of speaking at Lauren's funeral and as I prepared for that talk, I spent time with her friends and classmates, just to get impressions of this young lady.  Time after time thay told me of her care and concern for her friends, her genuine devotion to her family and her love of life.  Those characteristics will live on here at MD in Lauren's name, as this award becomes an annual part of our commencement ceremonies".
Tiny Tim Developmental School

Tiny Tim Developmental School

Lauren loved children and this is clearly reflected in her work at the "Tiny Tim Developmental School".  Whenever possible and her school hours allowed, Lauren would work early morning, afternoon or evening shifts, looking after the children at Mackenzie Campus, Georgetown.  She was dedicated to 'her children' and looking forward to the summer vacations when she could work full-time.  As we now know this was not to be.

The children and staff at Tiny Tim were so devastated when Lauren died that a plaque has been dedicated to her memory and hangs in the entrance to the school.  The children loved Lauren.

Lauren was a very special person and this has been proudly recognised by the Tiny Tim Developmental School Inc. when in October 2007 they named their newest school in Cambridge Ontario "Lauren Cooper Campus".  A wonderful tribute to a truly remarkable young lady.

Lauren is forever in so many people's hearts and memories.

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